The Three Men and a Family

The Three Men and a Family It was a sunny day. Three old men with long white beard were wandering on the road. They saw a beautiful little house and decided to enter the house. The old men knocked the door. A lady opened the door. The old men asked whether they have all members of the family. The lady replied, 'Me and my mother-in-law are here. My husband and children will be back to home in the evening. Please let me know how can I help you?' The old men told her, 'then we will wait until all members of your family return home.' The lady replied, 'but you look so tired and weak. I will bring you some food. You may have some rest.' They said no and 'no problem dear. We are not hungry and we don't need anything. We shall wait till evening.' All three men were sitting under a tree and relaxing. Children reached home after school and the old men talked to them. It was almost 6 pm and the lady again requested the three men to have some drink at least. ...