Love Story
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Young Girl Love for Prince
In ancient china, It was tradition that if prince has to be married before he can become crowned emperor. There was a prince who was about to be crowned. So he needed to find a young woman whom he could trust and get married to.
Once there was a who had to be crowned in few days so Prince decided to summon all the young women from his kingdom in order to find most worthy candidate.
There was an old lady who used to serve at palace. When heard the news she got sad because she knew her daughter nurtured a secret love for prince. After getting home she told her daughter about it. Her daughter decided that she would go to palace. Old lady got worried after knowing her decision.
Old lady said to her daughter, “What will you do there?? There will be all beautiful and rich girls from kingdom will be present there..”
Daughter replied, “Mother I know i won’t be chosen but it’s my only chance to spend time with prince and that makes me happy. I will go to palace tomorrow.”
Next day when young girl reached palace, she saw young women from all around kingdom were present there wearing beautiful cloths and jewelry, prepared to do anything to seize this opportunity to marry prince.
In presence of all members of court and girls prince announced a challenge.
He said, “I will give you each a seed. After six months time, young woman who brings me the loveliest flower will be my wife and future empress.”
All girls took seed and left. Poor young girl also took her seed and planted it in a pot. She nurtured and took care of it with love. She believed that her love is true and flower will grow as large as her love for prince.
Girl saw that no shoot appeared even after three months have passed and nothing had grown in her pot. Young girl consulted farmers, peasants but nothing happened. With each days he felt that her dream have moved father away.
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At last six months were over and still nothing had grown in that pot. She knew she had no flower to show still she decided to go back to palace with that pot. She reached palace on final day.
On final day all court member and girls arrived. She saw that all other candidates had wonderful results and each one had lovely flower, she was the only one holding a flowerless pot.
Finally, prince entered courtroom and inspected all candidates pot and announced result. He chose Servant’s daughter poor young girl as his would be wife.
All other girls present there got angry and protested that she had nothing in her pot and prince had chosen someone who had not managed to grow anything at all.
Prince calmed them down and explained the reason.
Prince said, “This young woman was the only one who cultivated the flower that made her worthy of becoming the empress: the flower of honesty. All the seeds I handed out were sterile and nothing could ever have grown from them.”
We should not feel Disappointed if Things doesn’t go Way we think it should be. We should have Confidence and Stay Honesty and True because Honesty is best Policy.

Fulfilling a Promise
Ever since the beginning The girl’s family member disagree her relationship with the boy. Saying that because of family background, if she insist of being together with the boy, she’ll suffer for her whole lifetime.
Because of the pressure applied by family members, she frequently quarrel with him. The girl does love the boy, she used to ask him, “How much do you love me?” Because the boy is not good with words, he used to make her angry. With additional comment from her parents, her mood get even worse. The boy, has become her “anger releasing target”. And the boy, just silently allowed her to continuously release her anger on him.
Later, the boy graduated from University. He plan to further study overseas but before he left. He proposed to the girl… ” I, don’t know how to say nice words but I do know that, I love you. If you agree, I am willing to take care of you, the whole life. About your family members, I will work hard to convince them and agree on us.”
“Marry me, will you?”, the girl agreed.
And her parents, looking at the effort shown by the boy, agreed with them. Finally, before the boy go oversea, they are engaged. The girl stay back in the hometown, step into the working society where as the boy continuing his study oversea. They maintained their relationship through telephone and letters. Although time is difficult to get through with, but both of them never give up.
One day, the girl left home for work as usual on her way to the bus stop, a car lose control and knock her down. As she awake from unconsciousness, she saw her parents and realize how seriously she got hurt and how fortunate of her, not to get killed.
Looking at her parents, with their faced got all wet by their tears, she tried to comfort them. But then, she found out that She can’t even spell out a word, she tried her best to make some voice but all she managed, was to breath without any voice. She’s mute. According to the doctor, the injury affected her brain, and that cause her to be mute for the rest of her life. Listening to her parents persuade, but can’t even reply with a single word, the girl collapsed. Throughout the days, others than crying silently, still it is crying.
Later, the girl discharged from hospital. Returning to her home, everything is still like before. Except that the phone ring, has turned into the worst nightmare of hers. Ring after ring, continuously stimulate her, stimulating her pain But she can’t tell the boy. She don’t want to be a burden to him, and wrote him a letter telling him that she no longer want to wait, the relationship between them ended, and even returned him the engagement ring. Facing the letters and telephone from the boy, all she can do, is to allow tears falling from her eyes.
Her father decided to move, after seeing the pain she is suffering. Hoping that she could forget everything and be happier into a new environment, the girl started to learn, slowly picking up sign language and start over again. Also telling herself to forget the boy.
One day, her best friend tell her that the boy’s back. He’s searching all around for her, she asked her best friend not to tell him about her and asked her to tell him to forget her. After that for more than a year there was no news of boy. One day her best friend tells her, that the boy is getting married soon, and passed the Wedding Card to her. She open the card sadly, but she found her name on the card.
The moment she want to ask her best friend, the boy appear in front of her. With an unfamiliar sign language, he told her ”I spent more than a year’s time, to force myself to learn sign language, in order to tell you, I have not forgot our promise, give me an opportunity, let me be your voice. I love you.”Looking at the slow sign language by the boy, and the engagement ring she gave back to him, She finally smiled.
Moral: Do not be a coward and run away whenever there is a problem, remember that every problem has a solution, never ever break someone’s heart, you may not know when it will happen to you.
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