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Numeral Adjective

Numeral adjective is the adjective which reveals the number of the nouns. There are three type of numeral adjectives.

1. Definite number adjective

2. Indefinite number adjective.

3. Distributive number adjective

Let us see how to use numeral adjective in the below sentences.

Definite number Adjective.

1. There are eleven universities in my country.

2. This is my fourth attempt to win the match.

Indefinite number Adjective.

1. I have some good friends.

2. We need much money to buy a land.

Distributive number Adjective.

1. Each participant will be at the conference hall on time.

2. Every people must vacate the village due to the flood

Demonstrative Adjective

The demonstrative adjectives  are identical to the demonstrative pronouns. But they are used as adjectives. It is used to sign, represent or represent a place. d

Demonstrative adjectives are





Let us see how to use demonstrative adjectives in the below sentences.

1. This house is very old but solid

2. This situation is very critical

3. That is my elder son.

4. Can you please bring that table?

5. I brought these candles to light this dark.

6. These are very useful materials.

7. Those children can speak English fluently.

8. Why those people are very sensitive?

 Interrogative Adjective

Interrogative adjectives is like an interrogative pronoun. but this word modifies the noun to function as an adjective. This adjectives will help to find answers to the questions people ask. Interrogative adjectives are often used along with nouns to ask questions.

Interrogative adjectives are 

What             How

Which            Why

Where            Which

Who                Whose

Let us see how the interrogative adjectives are used in the below sentences.

1. What book is your favorite?

2. Which places are to be visited during our tour?

3.Whose pen will they bring to you?

4. What is your reason?

5 What do you like to become?

6.Where is your hometown ?

7. Who is that standing near the shop?

8. Why did you late to the class yesterday?

Possessive Adjective

Possessive adjective is  a word similar to a possessive pronoun, but it functions as an adjective. 

Possessive adjectives are 








Let us know how to use possessive adjective in a sentence 

1. My life is very different among others 

2. Is this your key? 

3. His ambition is to become a scientist. 

4. She likes to  continue her study in abroad. 

5. We have to save money for our children. 

6. He always forgets to do his habitual activities. 

7. They work very hard for their future. 

8. The bird builds its nest. 


Adjective is a word which qualifies or modifies a noun.

Let us know how an adjective is used in a sentence.

Peacock is a bird

Peacock is a beautiful bird.

The word beautiful is an adjective

Some more examples.

  1. Gold is  a costly metal.
  2. Intercity express is a fast train.
  3. He is a handsome boy.
  4. Tiger is a furious animal.
  5. My mother gave me a sweet orange.
  6. I don't have enough time to prepare for the exam


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