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A phrase is a group  of words in a sentence with a need to say something. but with no subject and predicate(verb) within the group.

1. The vehicle is halted near a tree.

2. Proper arrangements are made for the visitors.

3. The sun rises in the east.

4. I would like to drink coffee in the hotel in the central park

5. The lady behaves in a bad manner.

The phrases can be classified as

  • Noun Phrase
  • Adjective Phrase
  • Adverb Phrase
1. Noun Phrase

A group of words in a sentence with no subject and predicate within the group which does the work of a Noun is called a noun  phrase.

1. I always wear a nice white shirt.
2. To run and Engineering college is my ambition.
3. A dog on the street corner was barking.
4. The goods vehicle carries differ varieties of packages.
5. To walk in early hours is good for health.

2. Adjective Phrase

A group of words that function as an adjective in a sentence is called as adjective phrase.

1.I have a new costly white colored car.
2. Would  you please give me a cup of strong and sugarless coffee.
3. The vendor sells fruits rarely available  in the market

3. Adverb Phrase

A group of words that function as an adverb in a sentence is called as adverb phrase.

1.  I always drive my vehicle with maximum care.
2. My friend assured me that he would return in a short while.
3. The construction of the building will be completed within a week.
4. People should always behave in a good manner


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