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Preposition is a word which links nouns, pronouns, adjective, verbs and phrases to other words in a sentence to form a proper sentence.

  • I like go a foreign country  my post graduate diploma.

    The above are a group of words but do not form a proper sentence
  • I like to go to a foreign country for my post graduate diploma.

    The above sentence is a proper sentence since the highlighted words have created proper links between words such an verbs, nouns etc. These words are called prepositions,

Let us see how to use prepositions in the below sentences.

1. My new car is in the garage.
2. The book is on the table.
3. The dog is sleeping beneath the tree.
4. We use woolen clothes during winter.
5. He hit the ball over the wall.
6. I am proud of you.
7. Bring a lamp from the room.
8. Are you agree with this rules and regulations.
9. I was amazed by what she told me.
10. Take care about your health.

Prepositions fall under three classes.

1. Simple preposition.

in , an, at, by, to , up , off, for, from, till, with, through
upon, down, out, of, under, on , but, than, etc.

2. Compound preposition

above, below, beneath, between, beside, behind, inside, outside, within, without, amidst, about, along

3. Group of words in phrase

Since phrases which function as prepositions are called phrase preposition.
by means of, 
in favor of,
in order to
instead of
in spite of 
in place
with reference to
on account of
with regard to.


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