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Uncountable Noun

 Uncountable noun is a word that cannot be counted. 

Let us know some example uncountable nouns.












1. There are some honey in the bottle.

2. How much avocado juice is there?

3. We don't have any sugar.

4. Do you have some coffee?

5. People need fresh air to the healthy life. 

Countable Noun

 Countable nouns are the names of people, objects etc. That we can count.


A Book

Only one Friend 

Six Brothers

A Teacher 

Two Cows 

An apple

1. There is a book on the table

2. I have only one friend.

3. Nirmala has six brothers. 

4.  Our teacher is in the principal office. 

5. An apple a day keep the doctor away. 

Compound Noun

 Two or more nouns combine to form a single noun and functions as a single noun. Such a noun is called a compound noun.


1. The bus driver  drives carefully.

2. A School teacher resides in our apartment. 

3. Mango fruit juice is very tasty.

4. The bus conductor is cordial to the passengers. 

Let us see some examples for compound nouns.

1. Airline 

2. Armchair 

3. Girlfriend 

4. Basketball 

5. Birthday 

6. Everyone 

7. Eyeglasses 

8. Fingerprint

9. Highway 

10. Lighthouse 

11. Homework 

12. Policeman 

Collective Noun

 A word denoting a number of persons or things taken together but spoken of as one is a collective noun.


1. Every Nations maintain its  own Army.

2. My uncle in the village owns a herd of sheep.

3. During sundays we see a big crowd  on the marina beach.

Army means a number of soldiers.

Heard means a number of Sheep.

Crowd means a number of people.

So these words are collective nouns.

Some more collective nouns are below. 

1. A range of mountains 

2. A ream of paper

3. A reel of film.

4.  A shower of rain.

5. A stack of woods.

6. A flight of birds

7. A gang of thieves.

8. A pride of lions.

9. A body of men.

10. A staff of employees. 

Abstract Noun

 An abstract noun is a noun which usually denotes a quality, action or state without reference to the object to which is partains.

Some examples for abstract nouns











1. The sight of her friend filled Sara with happiness. 

2. The London Olympics were a great success.

3. Ben thought of a brilliant idea for his story.

4. The blue team filled with hope as more pupils won their races.

5. Lucky found the courage to admit that she was responsible  for the broken window. 

Proper Common

 A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place or thing. A word of a proper noun is always written with a capital letter as the first letter of the word.

1. Asia is a continent.

Asia is a proper noun. Asia represents a particular continent.

2. London is the capital of England.

These words are applicable only to a particular city and a country respectively. So London and England are proper nouns.

Some examples for proper nouns.



The President.



Central Park Zoo

New York

Dr. Morgan

Atlantic Ocean 


Common Noun

 A word of noun, which denotes in common to every person or every thing of the same kind or class is defined as a common noun.

1. Asia is a continent

Continent is a common noun. Continent is a word applicable to any other continent.

2. London is the capital of England.

Capital is applicable to any other capital. So capital is a common noun.


The noun is a word which denotes a person, any living beings, a place, a thing and an idea.

Singular and plural forms of nouns


Most of the noun of singular form change to plural forms by adding the letter 'S'


Mother  -  mothers

Girl  -  girls

Pen  -  pens

Peak  -  peaks

Book  -  books

Leg  -  legs

Nouns ending in S, SH, AZ, X, CH get the plural forms by adding 'ES' at the end of the words.


Bus  -  buses

Bush  -  bushes

Branch  -  branches

Box  -  boxes

Topaz  -  topazes

 Noun ending in ' y' get the plural forms by removing 'Y' and adding 'ies' at the end of the words. These common nouns end with a consonant + y


City  -  cities

Baby  -  babies

Activity  -  activities

Fly  -  flies

Enemy  -  enemies 

Bully  -  bullies 

Apply  -  applies

Penny  -  pennies 

Lady  -  ladies

Noun ending in 'Y' with a vowel sound just add 'S' at the end of a words to get plural form.


Airway  -  airways

Boy  -  boys

Day  -  days

Monkey  -  monkeys 

Donkey  -  donkeys 

Key  -  keys

Now let us know some popular words ending with the letter 'O' and just add 'S' to get plural forms. 


Radio  -  radios

Studio  -  studios

Dynamo  -  dynamos 

Piano   -  pianos

Expo  -  expos 

Photo  -  photos 

Solo  -  solos

Zoo  -  zoos

The following are some of the popular words ending with 'O' and to change in to plural form add 'es'. In the bellow words the preceding letter to 'O' is not a vowel hence 'es' is added. 

Potato   -  potatoes 

Echo  -  echoes 

Tomato   -  tomatoes 

Volcano   -  volcanoes 

Buffalo   -  buffaloes 

Hero  -  heroes 

Mosquito   -  mosquitoes 

The following words are rather typical and they do not fall under any of the rules.


Son-in-law   -  sons-in-law 

Brother-in-law  -  brothers-in-law 

Mouse  -  mice

Foot  -  feet

Man  -  men

Cattle  -  cattle

Tooth  -  teeth

Sheep  -  sheep


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