
Honest Smuggler

Honest Smuggler Once Nasrudin was leading a donkey that had bundle of wooden sticks on it’s back across the border. There inspector stopped Nasrudin for inspection. Inspector asked, “What is your business here?” Nasrudin replied, “I am an honest smuggler..” Inspector was surprised at reply and responded, “Really?? Ok then let me search everything and if i find something then you have to pay border fees..” Nasrudin replied, “Sure.. Do as you wish.. but i can assure you that you will find nothing..” Inspector intensively searched and took apart everything but still couldn’t find any thing. At end he allowed Nasrudin to pass border saying, “I suppose you have managed to get by me today..” Next week again Nasrudin came with donkey carrying bundle of straws. When inspector saw him, he recognized Nasrudin and thought to himself, “This time i will get him for sure..” Inspector thoroughly checked through bundle of straws and then even searched Nasrudin clothing but still couldn’t find anything

Don't waste time

Don't waste time One day Akila and Geetha had to write an important exam and they were waiting at the bus stop. All the buses were crowded but they had to reach the examination hall on time. Akila insisted that they can travel by one of the buses. Geetha was not interested. She kept insisting that a less crowded bus would come and we should wait for the bus since they had a lot of time. Akila was angry with Geetha and decided to board in the bus that came next. Akila reached the exam hall at right time and wrote the exam with peace of mind. Geetha waited for the next half an hour. Finally, a bus arrived but it was so crowded that Geetha could not even get in. Geetha realized her foolishness. But it was too late and she had to finally catch a taxi to travel to her destination. Because of coming late to the exam hall, Geetha did not write her exam with a peace of mind. Although she obtained minimum marks, she was not satisfied in the particular exam. On the other side, Akila had reac

Change Your Vision

Change Your Vision Once there was very wealthy man who was suffering from severe eye pain. He consulted many doctors and tried their treatments but nothing helped. Even after consuming so many drugs to treat his eye, he still suffered from pain and that pain in eye persisted more than before. At last, he heard about a monk who was famous for being an expert in treating such problems. He went to him and told him about his problem. Monk understood his problem and said that, “You should concentrate only on green colors and try not to let your eyes fall on any other color.” Man found this kinda prescription strange but he was desperate to find cure and decided to try it. Wealthy man called for group of painters and purchased loads of green paint and directed that every object his eye was likely to fall to be painted green just as the monk had directed. Just in few days everything around that man was in green. Wealthy man made sure that nothing around would in any other color. After some da

Dark Shadow Message to King

 Dark Shadow Message to King Once a king had a dream. In his dream he saw a dark shadow putting its hand on king’s shoulder. King was horrified to see that shadow. Suddenly shadow spoke, “You don’t need to worry or be scared. Usually we come without informing but because you were a great king, I have just come here to inform you.” King questioned, “But who are you??” Shadow laughed and replied, “I am your death and be prepared.. Tomorrow as sun will be setting, I am going to come for you..” This nightmare woke him up. Even after waking up and knowing that it was just a dream, king was trembling. He immediately called council of all his wise man and then told them about dream. He asked them meaning of dream and ask if it is true?? Is death going to happen?? He thought astrologers might be able to figure it out. All wise man discussed but none could come to conclusion. King became more and more confused, everyone saying different things. Situation was same from middle of night till morni

Engineer Vs Manager

Engineer Vs Manager Once a man was flying high in hot air balloon and realized that he is lost. He reduced height of his hot air balloon to see if he can find someone. At a distance he saw a man down below. Seeing that man, he lowered his balloon more near the ground level and shouted, “Excuse me, can you help me?? I had promised my friend to reach his place half hour ago but now i don’t know where i am going.” Man standing below replied, “Yes. I can help. I see that you are in hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above ground. You positioning is about 40 degree latitude and 60 degree longitude.” Man in balloon interrupted and questioned, “You must be an engineer..??” Man on ground replied, “Yes. I am but how do you know?” Man in balloon replied with a smirk on his face, “Well. Everything you said was technically correct but i don’t know what to do with that information as it not going to get me know how i can find my way. More over Fact is that i am still lost.” Man below questioned

Don't want a brilliant person

Don't want a brilliant person Ravi was a brilliant student and he had won many prizes for academic excellence. Ram was his classmate. Although Ram was good at extracurricular activities like quiz, basketball and dramatics. At the end of the college, many multinational companies visited their college to recruit the best students. The entire college was very sure that Ravi would be selected because of his extraordinary academic performance. But finally, Ram was selected. Ravi was very angry and demanded an explanation to the person who conducted the interview. The person who conducted the interview told Ravi "It is true that you have better scores. But bookish knowledge alone will not help you to perform well in an organization. Ram has better exposure to the world in terms of general knowledge". "Moreover, as a sportsman he has learned the value of sharing and team effort. We don't want a person who is just brilliant. We want someone who can learn, share and inspi

The Boon of Akbar

The Boon of Akbar In ancient Greek, there was a king named Akbar. He had a lot of gold. He also had a beautiful daughter. Akbar loved his gold very much, but he loved his daughter more than his riches. One day, a saint passed out in Akbar's rose garden. Akbar asked the saint to give me the gift of "I wish everything I touch turns to gold'. The saint granted Akbar's wish. Akbar went around, touching random things in the garden and his palace and turned them all into gold. He touched an apple, and it turned into a shiny gold apple. In his happiness, Akbar went and hugged his daughter, she turned into a lifeless, golden statue! Akbar ran back to the garden and called a saint. He begged him to take away his power and save his daughter. Saint gave him a solution to change everything back. Akbar learned his lesson and lived the rest of his life contended with what he had. மன்னன் பெற்ற வரம் பண்டைய கிரேக்கில் அக்பர் என்ற ஒரு மன்னன் இருந்தார். அவர் நிறைய தங்கம் வைத்திருந்தார்.

Daily 10 words

இன்றைய 10 சொற்கள்! 1. Agony (அஹொனி) - வேதனை. அவர் வேதனையுடன் தரையில் விழுந்தார். He fell down on the ground with agony. 2. Infernal (இன்ஃவெர்னல்) - பேய்த்தனமுள்ள. அந்த பேய்த்தனமுள்ள சத்தத்தைப் போடாதே! Dont make that infernal noise! 3. Clumsy (க்ளம்சி) - விகாரமான. பனி அவனது விரல்களை விகாரமாக மாற்றியது. The ice made his fingers clumsy. 4. Abominate (அபோமினேட்) - வெறுத்து ஒதுக்கு. அவர்கள் முடியாட்சியின் பெருவாரியான யோசனைகளை வெறுத்து ஒதுக்கினர். They abominated most of the ideas of monarchy. 5. Adversary (அட்வெர்சரி) - எதிரி. டேவிட் அவனுடைய பழைய எதிரியை கால் இறுதியில் வென்றான். David beat his old adversary in the quarter finals. 6. Disguise (டிஸ்கைஸ்) - மாறுவேடம். அவன் தன்னை ஒரு பெண்ணாக மாறுவேடமிட்டான். He disguised himself as a girl. 7. Abdicate (அப்டிகேட்) - ராஜினாமா. எந்த அரசர் பிரிட்டிஷ் அரியணையை 1910இல் ராஜினாமா செய்தார்? Which king abdicated from the British throne in 1910? 8. Offence (அஃபென்ஸ்) - குற்றம் ஓட்டுனர் உரிமம் இல்லாமல் வாகனம் ஓட்டுவது குற்றமாகும். Driving without a licence

Do you know?

  Do you know? 1. Hagfish only have four sets of teeth on their tongue. 2. Eating onions can make a person sleepy. 3. The coldest part of the human body - nose. 4. Reading out loud to kids accelerates their brain development. 5. Your heart beats about 1,03,680 times in one day. 6. Giraffe is the animal which born with horns on his head only at birth. 7. Some people have survived 8 to 10 days without water. 8. Your body gets paralysed while your dream! 9. An worker bees lifespan is about 45 days during summer months. 10. Cats make about 12 different sounds. உங்களுக்குத் தெரியுமா? 1. ஹேக்மீன் என்ற மீன் வகைக்கு மட்டும் தான் நாக்கில் 4 ஜோடி பற்கள் உள்ளன. 2. வெங்காயம் சாப்பிட்டால் நன்றாக தூக்கம் வரும்.  3. மனித உடலில் மிக குளிரான பகுதி - மூக்கு. 4. சத்தமாக வாசிப்பதனால் குழந்தைகளின் மூளை வளர்ச்சி தூண்டப்படுகிறது. 5. நமது இதயம் ஒரு நாளில் 1இ03இ680 முறை துடிக்கிறது. 6. விலங்குகளில் பிறக்கும் போது தலையில் கொம்புடன் பிறப்பது ஒட்டகசிவிங்கி மட்டுமே. 7. சில மக்கள் தண்ணீர் இல்லாமல் 8 முதல் 10 நாட்கள

Interesting Witty Reply

Interesting Witty Reply  Story 1: Being a Nobody..!! Once Nasruddin went to a formal reception and seated himself on the most elegant chair. Seeing this Chief of guard approached him and said, “Sir, these seats are reserved for Guests of Honor.” Nasruddin confidently replied, “Oh, i am more than mere guest of Honor.” Chief questioned, “Oh so you are a diplomat.” Again Nasruddin replied, “No, Am far more than a diplomat.” Chief questioned again, “Really?? So are you a minister??” “No, no.. Am bigger than that.”, said Nasruddin. “OK..! Then you mast be the King himself.”, Said Chief Sarcastically. Again Nasruddin quickly responded, “Higher than that..!” Chief got angry and said, “What? You are higher that King?? Nobody is higher that King..” Nasruddin smirked and said, “Now you have it.. i am Nobody.” Story 2: Boatman and Scholar..!! Once Nasreddin took job of a boatman. One day a scholar came to him and asked him to row him across the river. His journey was long and slow so scholar deci