
Showing posts from March, 2021

HR Manager Working

HR Manager Working Once a very highly successful Human Resource Manager was killed in a tragic accident. His soul arrived at the Pearly gates where St. Paul received him. St. said, “Before you settle in.. I want to tell you something.. We have never had a Human Resource Manager made it this far and now we are not really sure what to do with it.” Manager said, “Oh.. Can’t you just let me in??” St. replied, “Well i would like to but we have order from higher authority that before allowing you to enter we should let you have a day in Hell and a day in Heaven and then you can chose for yourself where would you like to go for eternity.” Manager said, “I would prefer heaven.” “But before you decide you have to live a day in both places.”, said St. and in instant HR manager was sent to hell. As doors opened in Hell he entered. He saw a beautiful golf course, around were many fellows and friends. As they saw him all come to him and welcomed there. All played golf and enjoyed awesome dinner The

Engineers Problem in Testing

Engineers Problem in Testing Once engineers at one of major aerospace company were testing the effects of bird strikes on the wind shield on various jets and airliners. So to stimulate the effect of a bird striking a traveling plane at high speed engineers decided to make a powerful gun with which they could fire dead chicken (from freezer) at the wind shields. After some test engineers declared that the test was very successful and the stimulation they used with gun and dead chicken worked very effectively. Many articles and projects were published related to the suitability of wind shields and test done to approve that windshields were now suitable for planes. At the same time in other part of world some other scientists were trying to assess same thing but on windshields of very new high train speeds. These train test engineers had heard about the pioneering test developed by aerospace team, so they approached them and asked proper specifications of the test and way to conduct that

The Plum Stone

The Plum Stone One day Vanya's mother bought some plums from the market. She washed them and left them on a big plate in the centre of the dining table. Mother wanted to give the plums to the children after dinner. It was not every day that plums were bought. Vanya had not tasted plums all his life and was very curious about it. First he sniffed the fruit, wrinkled his nose at the pleasing smell, and decided that he liked the fruit. Dinner time was still a long way off and he did not have the patience to wait. He just could not resist his temptation. "No one will notice if I take one," he said to himself. As soon as he was alone in the room, he seized a big plum and ate it quickly. Vanya exclaimed, "Hmmm.. plums are very delicious indeed!" When it was time for dinner, his mother counted the plums and found that one was missing. She informed her husband about it. The whole family sat around the table to eat and in the course of the meal, father enquired, "We

The Tale of Peter Rabbit

 The Tale of Peter Rabbit A long time ago, there lived four little rabbits, with fancy names: Flopsy, Cotton-tail, Peter and Mopsy. They lived under a very big fir tree, in a sand-bank. One day, old Mrs. Rabbit called the four little rabbits for a little talk. "Listen to me," she said, "I know that you like to run and play all around the place, but I advise you not to go to Mr. McGregor's garden. Do you know why?" Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail and Peter shook their heads. "Your father was killed in Mr. McGregor's garden. Mrs. McGregor put him in a pie," mother rabbit said solemnly. The four little rabbits looked as though they understood their mother's message. "Alright then, go and play, but don't get into trouble. I have to go out now," mother rabbit said. She took her umbrella and her basket, and set out to the baker's. She had to buy a few currant buns and a loaf of brown bread. Meanwhile, the four little bunnies, left on the

The Selfish Giant

 The Selfish Giant Long ago, there was an exquisite garden which not only had lively trees, but also had a collection of flowers that gave out a wonderful fragrance. The birds that used to regularly visit the garden sang the most melodious songs. It was truly a lovely garden. There were some children who regularly played in this beautiful garden. It was their play area, where they used to spend some lovely afternoons after school and the even more time during holidays. The birds that lived in this magnificent garden, used to sing melodious tunes, which even made the kids stop their games and listen to them. However, there was a truth that no one knew, not until the day when a giant, returned one day. The garden, in fact, belonged to the giant who had gone away for a long time, and no one knew about him. At times the little ones used to talk among themselves, wishing that the owner never returned. One day, the kid's fears came true as the owner of the garden returned. The owner, a b

The Lazy Farmer

The Lazy Farmer Sinha, the farmer was a very lazy man. He had fertile lands, but because of his laziness, he cultivated crops only in a part of his land. One night, it rained heavily and the roads turned muddy. Sinha was very happy that it had rained. He was to water the crops the next day. However, because of the heavy rain, he did not have to water them as the crops got sufficient water. However, he wanted to assess the status of his fields after the rain. He also had two loads of hay to be sold at the market. Since the roads were muddy, he stayed at home. He decided to take a visit after two days, by which time, he hoped that the roads would be clean. However, even after two days, the roads were still slightly muddy. Nevertheless, Sinha went to the market on a cart with horses. The road to the market was fairly good and he sold the hay. Then he took the country road and rode the cart towards his fields. But, the road was uneven and muddy with stagnant water. Sinha drove very slowly

Weakness is Strength

 Weakness is Strength Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses! Turning our weaknesses into strengths makes us unbeatable. This is an inspiring story of a 12-year-old boy Kim who defeated his weakness, by unknowingly making it his strength. Poor Kim lost his left hand in a terrible accident. His parents could not console him. To cheer him up, his father made him join a Judo school. As the boy always wanted to learn Judo, his father thought that this would make him happy. Everyone wondered how a single armed boy could learn Judo. However, the master happily enrolled him. He trained in Judo for about 8 months. He practiced nothing but a single stroke. He trained for all 8 months in mastering a single stroke. The boy was surprised and sometimes annoyed as his master taught him only one stroke. Yet, he said nothing. The boy mastered the stroke and grew as nobody could excel in doing that particular stroke. The boy was picked by the master to compete in the national level Judo champi

Two Brave Women

  Two Brave Women Karan Singh was all set to go to the fields. Among the other things he carried with his agricultural tools, were his sword and a gun. A merchant, who always noticed this, could not but help satisfy his curiosity. One day as Karan set out to go the fields, the merchant asked him why he always carried his weapons along with his other agricultural tools. Karan Singh went to his shop and told him that even if he told him the reason, he might not understand it. Hence, he advised him to concentrate on his shop's accounts, rather than focusing on matters that did not concern him. He also added that it was mainly because of Dadua, and that the villagers should be prepared when Dadua attacks. Hence, it was wise to always carry the weapons. The merchant had the least idea who Dadua was, and asked him, "Who is Dadua, and what does he want from us. Are there so many dacoits near our village?" Karan understood that the merchant was getting apprehensive. It was unders

The Brave Little Boy

 The Brave Little Boy This is a short story from India, originally written by the English Author, Norah Burke, during her stay in India during the early twentieth century. Kunal, Veer Singh's little brother lay in the hut, burning with fever and shooting pain in his stomach that was getting worse by the minute. Veer Singh was only about 11 years old, but was a happy and cheerful lad. He was a child of the jungle and his brother was about six years younger to him. He had other brothers and sisters, who unfortunately had died due to cholera or malaria. His mother brought some hot water, dipped some towels inside, and placed it on Kunal's stomach to reduce the pain. Veer Singh could see that she was in great pain and fear of losing another child, but she was trying hard not to show it. However, the towels were of no use. Veer Singh mother said that he ought to be carried to the nearest hospital. Veer Singh's mother knew that Kunal was critical, and needed medical attention at


Challenges Do you know the favorite food of Japanese? They love Sushi! Sushi is nothing but raw fish sliced in different shapes and sizes. Of course, fresh produces are tasty aren't they? Japanese loved to eat the fresh fish. The market for fresh fish in Japan grew so big that fishermen earned a good deal in catching fresh fish. Weeks and months passed by! The fishermen were unable to get fresh fish quickly. They took their boats to longer distance in the sea. The fishing boats became big to feed the fish lovers and the fishermen moved farther and farther to bring the fresh fish. Since they traveled for many days to get the fish, it took more days for the fishermen to return home. The fish lost its freshness, and Japanese consumers didn't like the taste of fish that wasn't fresh. The fish companies tried to solve the problem and installed freezers to keep the fish fresh. They installed the freezers in the boats to store the fish fresh. Unfortunately, the frozen fish couldn&

Words and Sentences

Words and Sentences   1. Diffidence (டிபிடன்ஸ்) - கூச்சம். அவர் கூச்சத்தோடு à®…à®±ையில் நுà®´ைந்தாà®°். He entered the room with diffidence. 2. Vest (வெஸ்ட்) - உள் சட்டை. அவர் கம்பளியாலான à®’à®°ு உள் சட்டையை அணிந்திà®°ுந்தாà®°். He wore a vest made of woolen. 3. Plead (ப்ளிட்) - வழக்காடு. அவரது குழந்தையின் வாà®´்க்கைக்காக நான் வழக்காட வேண்டியிà®°ுந்தது. I was forced to plead for his child′s life. 4. Enjoin (என்ஜாயின்) - கட்டளையிடு. உயர் அதிகாà®°ிகளுக்கு கீà®´்ப்படிவதற்கு வீà®°à®°்களை அவர் கட்டளையிட்டாà®°். He enjoined the soldiers for giving obedience to higher officers. 5. Impart (இம்பாà®°்ட்) - வழங்குதல். à®’à®°ு ஆசிà®°ியரின் குà®±ிக்கோள் à®…à®±ிவை வழங்குவது. A teachers aim is to impart knowledge. 6. Carpet (காà®°்பெட்) - கம்பளம். கம்பள இழைகளைத் தயாà®°ிக்க பாலிபுà®°ொப்பிலீன் பயன்படுத்தப்படுகிறது. Polypropylene is used to produce carpet yarns. 7. Splendid (ஸ்ளென்டிட்) - à®…à®±்புதமான. ஊழியர்கள் à®’à®°ு à®…à®±்புதமான வேலையை செய்கிà®±ாà®°்கள். The staffs are doing a splendid job. 8. Intense (இன்டென்ஸ்) - கடுà®®ையாக வேலைக்கு போட்டி கடுà®®ையாக இருந்தது. Com

The Difference

The Difference Two angels decided to visit a town. They wished to bless a family and provide them with enough wealth and happiness. The angels disguised themselves as two girls who were pale and dull in appearance. They picked two houses. The first one was located in the entrance of the town. It was a big house and it appeared like a mansion with many rooms. The girls requested the house owner of the big house to let them stay at their house just for one night as the night was too cold and frightening. The house owner was too rude. The angels pleaded to the family members, and not one of them allowed the angels to stay inside. After pleading for a few minutes, the house owner asked them to stay at the basement located at the back of the house. It was so cold and too small for them. The angels thanked them and stayed at the basement. One angel saw a hollow and a part of the wall broken. She repaired the damaged wall with her magic and covered the space. The second angel was surprised! T

The Three Kick Rule

The Three Kick Rule Mr. Han was a lawyer. He loves fishing and hunting. It was a clear Saturday and he decided to spend his day fishing and hunting. He drove a long way to reach the forest and a lake was located near the forest. He decided to try his chance in fishing. Unfortunately, he could not catch even a single fish. He decided to return home. Suddenly he saw a rabbit moving around in the nearby area. He shot the rabbit and the rabbit fallen down on the ground inside a fence of a garden. The lawyer had a quick glance in and around the garden and he saw nobody was there. He jumped inside the garden, grabbed the rabbit and when he was about to climb back the fence, he was caught by the garden owner. The garden owner and lawyer argued for the ownership of the rabbit. The lawyer told he shot the rabbit and it belonged to him. The owner argued, the rabbit grew in his garden and it was lying in his garden. So it belonged to him. The lawyer shouted at the owner, 'See, I'm a lawye

The Intelligent Artist

The Intelligent Artist Very long ago, a one-eyed king was ruling a country. He was fond of arts and crafts. He generously rewards the great artists, poets and craftsmen. However, he was stuck with one major habit. He never liked any person who used to praise him falsely! Simply, he was a man of truth and wanted his people to be true. The king was born with one eye. He had vision on his right eye and the space for left eye was simply closed with the skin! One day, he wanted to get himself painted and made an announcement. After filtering the talented artists, the king asked three men to draw his face. He told them, 'If you do an impeccable job, I will reward you with something you won't even earn in your life time! If not, you will be severely punished!' All the three agreed and started to sketch his face. The first artist showed the painted picture of the king. The king felt bad as the picture showed that one of the eyes was shown blind, though he drawn both eyes. The artis

The Clever Boys

 The Clever Boys It was a busy high way that connects all major roads in the city. People rush in their vehicles and it leads to chaos in the busy road. Driving the vehicles beyond the speed limit became the major problem in the city. A police officer decided to watch for the vehicles that are driven beyond the speed limit. He found a perfect place to hide himself to watch for the rash driving vehicles. Very surprisingly, one day, the police officer was very surprised that everyone who drove on the road was under the prescribed speed limit. There was none that crossed the speed limit. Out of curiosity, the police officer decided to find the reason for the same. He walked for a while and saw a 12 years old boy standing near a huge sign board ' RADAR TRAP AHEAD '. The police officer wanted to move further to find out what exactly happened! Almost about 100 yards beyond the boy who stood with the sign board radar trap; there was another boy who stood with a sign board carrying the

The Worry Men

 The Worry Men There were two funny men living together for a long time. Both of them were very close pals, very stupid and yet they lived happily. Something that annoys other people is that they worry even for very minor issues. One day, they saw a sign board with these words. 'If you can do something successfully, there is no reason to worry about doing it! If you cannot do something, worrying for it will not make it happen!' The two men decided not to worry for anything. However, they still did worry that who would then take care of their problems. They decided to appoint a person who could worry for their problems. After few days, they found a man who survived on temporary jobs. The man asked how much they would like to pay if he worries for them. The old men discussed and told him that they decided to pay 20 bucks for a week for his job! The young man said it won't work! He continued, 'you pay too little to worry about something for you. How can I worry when I real

Two Fishermen

 Two Fishermen There were two fishermen who where close pals. They used to catch fish together on weekends. Since they were busy in their personal work and family, they hardly spend time together. It was a Saturday and they decided to drive to a nearby pond to enjoy their day in fishing. Also, they wanted to have some feast with the fish they catch. Both carried essential utensils, cooking accessories, ingredients and fishing equipments. They reached the pond. They sat at a distance and started hunting for the fish. The first fisherman got a big and beautiful fish in a few minutes. He was so happy and placed the fish in the ice box to retain the freshness. He decided to cook the fish as a whole fish in the noon. He spent some more time and captured a few more fishes. He decided to make a grand meal with the fish. Also, he froze a few fishes to take it back to home. It was almost more than an hour they were fishing. He then approached the second fisherman and asked him if he need any he

Died on the Way

Died on the Way THE emigrant train had come in, and so many were waiting, some at the depot with their own vehicles, watching for dear ones ; others hailed hacks or took the street-cars, and a few remained, who would, as soon as the throng cleared away a little, walk up to the house where homeless emigrants might stay for a few days. A party of four by themselves attracted attention. A man of solemn countenance, with two little children that clung on either side of him, serious, frightened-looking little things, although they were healthy and neatly dressed. Beside them walked a pale woman with a babe in her arms. Oh, those sad dark eyes ! The group, followed by a few others, moved into the large yard, and when they entered the house, sobs and moans and the cries of little children broke forth. Men and women on the street had noticed and wondered, but no one liked to ask a question, and now well they had gone out of sight. The man who had charge of the house came to show them a room, a

The Mother's Heart

 The Mother's Heart IF children could realize how indifference and disrespect to parents wound the heart, they would never offend in that way. "Honor thy father and thy mother," is one of the first commands, and was intended to be obeyed as much as any other. When one of God's commands is disobeyed, a penalty is sure to follow, whether the transgressor realizes the cause or not. It may be that every disappointment, loss, sickness or affliction is a penalty merci- fully appointed to pay the debt here instead of here-after. If so, what a load we would carry with us into the next life to our great shame and hindrance if we do not expiate, in part, our faults while here. If a person should make you a costly present, you would entertain the most pleasant feelings toward that one; your countenance would brighten and your step hasten to do some kindness in return, and this you would perhaps consider almost nothing in comparison. Yet, to those who gave you the first smile and

An Hour with the Aged

Respect for the Aged SOME young girls on their way to Sunday-school cast many humorous glances and subdued tittering toward one of their own age who was walking quietly along beside a venerable man, one who had helped "build up the country." It was observed by the pair, but they cared little for it, only the thoughtless girls did themselves an injustice. It was inappropriate conduct on any day, but upon the Lord's day it seemed even more unbecoming. In former times church-going persons went to their worship reverently, and, reaching the house of God, entered with the utmost respect. When seated, they did not twist around in their seats to gaze at some new-comer; perfect attention was given to the sermon, and it was the theme at home in the evening. Clothing, however rich or poor, need not be scanned or criticized ; when you and I came upon this earth, we were treated equally in that respect. But to return to the subject. The gray-haired man was a Sunday- school teacher, a

Respect for the Aged

Respect for the Aged SOME young girls on their way to Sunday-school cast many humorous glances and subdued tittering toward one of their own age who was walking quietly along beside a venerable man, one who had helped "build up the country." It was observed by the pair, but they cared little for it, only the thoughtless girls did themselves an injustice. It was inappropriate conduct on any day, but upon the Lord's day it seemed even more unbecoming. In former times church-going persons went to their worship reverently, and, reaching the house of God, entered with the utmost respect. When seated, they did not twist around in their seats to gaze at some new-comer; perfect attention was given to the sermon, and it was the theme at home in the evening. Clothing, however rich or poor, need not be scanned or criticised ; when you and I came upon this earth, we were treated equally in that respect. But to return to the subject. The gray-haired man was a Sunday- school teacher, a