
Dog Owner Reply to Shopkeeper

Dog Owner Reply to Shopkeeper One night when a shopkeeper was just about to close his shop, a dog came to him into his shop. Dog was holding a bag in his mouth. Dog moved toward shopkeeper to give that bag to him. Shopkeeper understood what dog was trying to do and took the bag. When shopkeeper opened the bag, saw a list of items and money in the bag. Shopkeeper kept money and placed all the items in the bag written on list. Immediately dog picked up bag full of items and left. Shopkeeper was surprised to see the action of dog. He closed his shop and decided to follow dog to meet dog’s owner. As shopkeeper was following dog he saw that first dog waited at the bus stop. Soon bus came and dog got into the bus. After that when conductor came, dog moved forward to show his neck belt. When conductor check it had money and address as well. Conductor took money and kept ticket in his neck belt. When bus reached destination, dog started to wag his tail to indicate that he wanted to get down. B

Farmer Clever Reply to King

Farmer Clever Reply to King In a small village lived a very hardworking farmer. Once in his field he had grown a huge watermelon. Farmer was very proud of his watermelon and he knew it was the biggest anyone had ever seen. He gazed it for hours thinking about what to do with it. First he thought that he should sell it in market as it would get him good profit but then again he thought and decided to keep it in exhibition. He kept on thinking like that and at last he decided to gift it to King. Farmer went to sleep with his happy thoughts about the rewards he will get from king for that watermelon. King of that kingdom was very kind and caring so he had habit of going for walk through his kingdom disguised as common man in order to check if all his subjects were safe. That same night, king disguised as a common man passed by farmer’s house. There he spotted that big watermelon and was so fascinated by it that he went over to farmer house door and knocked on it. Farmer woke up and came o

Interesting Farmer’s Reply

 Interesting Farmer’s Reply At an old chapel all locals and remote people used to come up for Sunday services. One time it was freezing snow outside and no one came to chapel except one. Farmer came several miles to the chapel even after it was snowing and freezing cold outside. Now there were only two people at chapel, one was clergyman and other was the farmer. Seeing that there is only one person in the audience. Clergyman expecting a mutually helpful reacting from him said, “I am not sure if it’s worth proceeding with the services. Might we should better go to our warm houses and have hot drink?” “Well, i am just a simple farmer.” said farmer. Farmer continued, “But when i go to feed my herd and if there is only turns up for food, i sure don’t leave him hungry..” Clergyman felt ashamed and started to deliver his services. Clergyman recited hymns and readings, last the services for couple of hours. Finishing proudly clergyman felt very happy and thanked farmer for the lesson that –

Funny Couple’s Stories

 Funny Couple’s Stories Fairy Grants Couple Wishes..!! Once a couple were out to celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary. They went to a restaurant for dinner. After meal, on this occasion husband presented wife with a very beautiful antique gold chin with locket. Wife was very happy and she opened locket. A tiny fair appeared in front of them. Couples were amazed to see that fairy. Addressing the couple fairy said, “Your such long devotion to each other has released me from this locket. Now in return i grant you both one wish each. Wish for anything you want..!!” Without thinking much wife wished, “Can i travel all around world with my husband?” Fairy waver her wand and her wish was fulfilled. Magically on table there were two first class ticket for Round-the-World tour for them. Couple were very happy to see that. Now fairy turned toward husband and said, “Now, your turn.” Husband thought for few seconds and then said, “Forgive me but to really enjoy that holiday around the world, I

HR Manager Working

HR Manager Working Once a very highly successful Human Resource Manager was killed in a tragic accident. His soul arrived at the Pearly gates where St. Paul received him. St. said, “Before you settle in.. I want to tell you something.. We have never had a Human Resource Manager made it this far and now we are not really sure what to do with it.” Manager said, “Oh.. Can’t you just let me in??” St. replied, “Well i would like to but we have order from higher authority that before allowing you to enter we should let you have a day in Hell and a day in Heaven and then you can chose for yourself where would you like to go for eternity.” Manager said, “I would prefer heaven.” “But before you decide you have to live a day in both places.”, said St. and in instant HR manager was sent to hell. As doors opened in Hell he entered. He saw a beautiful golf course, around were many fellows and friends. As they saw him all come to him and welcomed there. All played golf and enjoyed awesome dinner The

Engineers Problem in Testing

Engineers Problem in Testing Once engineers at one of major aerospace company were testing the effects of bird strikes on the wind shield on various jets and airliners. So to stimulate the effect of a bird striking a traveling plane at high speed engineers decided to make a powerful gun with which they could fire dead chicken (from freezer) at the wind shields. After some test engineers declared that the test was very successful and the stimulation they used with gun and dead chicken worked very effectively. Many articles and projects were published related to the suitability of wind shields and test done to approve that windshields were now suitable for planes. At the same time in other part of world some other scientists were trying to assess same thing but on windshields of very new high train speeds. These train test engineers had heard about the pioneering test developed by aerospace team, so they approached them and asked proper specifications of the test and way to conduct that

The Plum Stone

The Plum Stone One day Vanya's mother bought some plums from the market. She washed them and left them on a big plate in the centre of the dining table. Mother wanted to give the plums to the children after dinner. It was not every day that plums were bought. Vanya had not tasted plums all his life and was very curious about it. First he sniffed the fruit, wrinkled his nose at the pleasing smell, and decided that he liked the fruit. Dinner time was still a long way off and he did not have the patience to wait. He just could not resist his temptation. "No one will notice if I take one," he said to himself. As soon as he was alone in the room, he seized a big plum and ate it quickly. Vanya exclaimed, "Hmmm.. plums are very delicious indeed!" When it was time for dinner, his mother counted the plums and found that one was missing. She informed her husband about it. The whole family sat around the table to eat and in the course of the meal, father enquired, "We

The Tale of Peter Rabbit

 The Tale of Peter Rabbit A long time ago, there lived four little rabbits, with fancy names: Flopsy, Cotton-tail, Peter and Mopsy. They lived under a very big fir tree, in a sand-bank. One day, old Mrs. Rabbit called the four little rabbits for a little talk. "Listen to me," she said, "I know that you like to run and play all around the place, but I advise you not to go to Mr. McGregor's garden. Do you know why?" Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail and Peter shook their heads. "Your father was killed in Mr. McGregor's garden. Mrs. McGregor put him in a pie," mother rabbit said solemnly. The four little rabbits looked as though they understood their mother's message. "Alright then, go and play, but don't get into trouble. I have to go out now," mother rabbit said. She took her umbrella and her basket, and set out to the baker's. She had to buy a few currant buns and a loaf of brown bread. Meanwhile, the four little bunnies, left on the

The Selfish Giant

 The Selfish Giant Long ago, there was an exquisite garden which not only had lively trees, but also had a collection of flowers that gave out a wonderful fragrance. The birds that used to regularly visit the garden sang the most melodious songs. It was truly a lovely garden. There were some children who regularly played in this beautiful garden. It was their play area, where they used to spend some lovely afternoons after school and the even more time during holidays. The birds that lived in this magnificent garden, used to sing melodious tunes, which even made the kids stop their games and listen to them. However, there was a truth that no one knew, not until the day when a giant, returned one day. The garden, in fact, belonged to the giant who had gone away for a long time, and no one knew about him. At times the little ones used to talk among themselves, wishing that the owner never returned. One day, the kid's fears came true as the owner of the garden returned. The owner, a b

The Lazy Farmer

The Lazy Farmer Sinha, the farmer was a very lazy man. He had fertile lands, but because of his laziness, he cultivated crops only in a part of his land. One night, it rained heavily and the roads turned muddy. Sinha was very happy that it had rained. He was to water the crops the next day. However, because of the heavy rain, he did not have to water them as the crops got sufficient water. However, he wanted to assess the status of his fields after the rain. He also had two loads of hay to be sold at the market. Since the roads were muddy, he stayed at home. He decided to take a visit after two days, by which time, he hoped that the roads would be clean. However, even after two days, the roads were still slightly muddy. Nevertheless, Sinha went to the market on a cart with horses. The road to the market was fairly good and he sold the hay. Then he took the country road and rode the cart towards his fields. But, the road was uneven and muddy with stagnant water. Sinha drove very slowly