Lazy Poor Man and Milk Pot

Lazy Poor Man and Milk Pot
Its story of a poor man who was extremely lazy. He always dream of being rich and still didn’t want to work for it. He used to ask for alms even just to feed himself.
Luckily one morning he got a pot of milk as alms. He was very happy. He went home with that pot and boiled it, drank some of it and added curd to remaining of it to turn it into curd.
He laid down and soon feel asleep. While sleeping he dream about getting rich one day and his thoughts were turned to pot of milk he got that day.
He dreamed, “By morning the pot of milk will be turned to curd. once the curd is set he can churn it to get butter out of it. Then make ghee out of that butter. Once he get the Ghee, he would sell it in the market and with that money he will buy a hen and hatch its eggs. There will be many chickens with which he will soon have a poultry farm of his own.
He kept on imagining that, “After selling his poultry and buying some cows he can open a dairy far. All the people will buy milk from him and then he will be rich soon and will buy jewels which he can sell to king. He will be so rich that he will marry a beautiful girl and soon will have a handsome son. If son will do any mischief, he will beat him with a big stick.”
During this dream he unknowingly picked up stick laying near him and started moving it thinking of beating his son in dream. Suddenly one he hit the pot and broke it.
When he woke up all the milk was spilled out of pot.
No Dream can Be fulfilled Without Hard work.
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