The golden egg

 Haria a poor barber lived alone in his small hut. He was dedicated in his work. A d whatever he earns was enough to fulfill this needs. 

One evening, after returning from work Haria was hungry "what shall I cook tonight " he thought.  Just then he heard  a hen clucking outside his hut. That hen would make a great feast for me " thought Haria and prepared to catch the hen.

With a little effort, he was able to catch the hen, As he was about to kill the hen. It squeaked " please don't kill me. O kind man I will help you " Haria stopped though he was surprised that the hen spoke.  He asked " How can you help me "

If you spare my life, I will lay a golden egg every day for you " said the hen. Haria's eyes got widened in delight.  Haria was surprised to hear this promise. " A golden egg"! That too every day! But why should I believe you? You might be lying " said Haria.

"If I don't lay a golden egg tomorrow you can kill me " said the hen. After this promise Haria spared the hen and waited for the next day. 

The next morning Haria found a golden egg lying outside his hut and the hen sitting beside it." It is true! You really can lay a golden egg!" Exclaimed Haria with great delight. He did not reveal this incident to anyone, fearing that others would catch the hen. 

From that day onwards, the hen would lay a golden egg every day. In return, Haria took good care of the hen, very soon Haria became rich. 

But he became greedy, He thought "if I cut open the hen's stomach, I can get out all the golden eggs at once. I don't have to wait for the hen to lay the golden eggs one by one "

That night he brought the hen the interior portion of his house and killed the hen. But to his dismay, he found no golden eggs not even one. 

" What have I done? My greed had made me kill the hen" he wailed but it was too late. 


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